Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The EyeWriter

While, browsing a website I frequent, I came upon the "eyeWriter". This device enables paraplegic people to 'draw' or 'design' with just they eye. The amazing device can be made under $50.00USD and paired with open-source software (free, but contributions welcomed). This tool was brought to reality by a group of people, mostly graffiti artists:

Graffiti Research Lab
The Ebeling Group
Zach Lieberman
James Powderly
Evan Roth
Chris Sugrue
Theo Watson
Keith Pasko
Eleanor Dunk
Jamie Wilkinson
Greg Leuch

The program isn't a pixel based drawing software, like Photoshop or The Gimp, but rather a vector based--or something like that--software, like Illustrator or Inkscape.

The EyeWriter is allowing artists who have thought they lost the ability to create with normal means, by utilizing an ir (infra-red) led and a PS3 EyeToy and a few miscellaneous items. It would seem as though the difficulty in constructing a pair isn't hard either, basic soldering skills are needed at most.

Check out: The EyeWriter

and this video of it in action:

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