Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Inspiration from outside

Artists, Designers and the like are all inspired or moved by some ideal to create. But what happens when one has an off day, week, month, or even a year? If you're like me, or any graphic artist, you can't have any off days as income is tied directly to your ability to create.

Artists like Doze Green look to music as a form creative inspiration. The music speaks to him and he translates the beats with his paint brush. Not only does he use music as inspiration, he looks back to his cultural roots for symbols and styles to create.

Even type can inspire a generation of graphic artists. Referring to my previous blog, the font 'Helvetica' created an entire counter-culture to the modernist movement. David Carson, a graphic artist, was one such post-modernist battling the conformity of the modernists. Using free form text, and unconventional fonts to create works that both went against the grain and diverged to help create the grunge movement of the 90's

A great resource for inspiration is They have a handfull of website, galleries, and portfolios the look through for inspiration from other artists. Even if you think the life of an artist is a solitude one, your ability can only go so far without learning from others.

Again, check out:


The DVD 'Helvetica'

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